Common Name: Hoary tephrosia

Hoary tephrosia is an annual with a squirish stem that grows to a height of about 15 cm; sometimes found prostrate. This plant is commonly seen in fallow lands and road-sides in rural Tamilnadu. The entire plant is covered with fine white hairs-giving it a silky feel. The compound leafs are arranged in an alternate manner; each leaf has about 6 pairs of leaflets arranged in an opposite manner and are near sessile. The leaflets are oblanceolate in shape with an acute base and a retuse apex. The lower side of leaf has white hairs, the upper surface is smooth. The leaflet measure around 1.9 cm each. The inflorescence is in the form of a terminal or an axillary raceme. The sessile flowers are pea shaped and light pink in color. The calyx is brown in color and tomentose and measure around 2 mm. The flower measures around 9 mm. The fruit is in the form of a curved, brown colored pod covered with long white hairs. The pod encloses 7-8 seeds which are kidney shaped and measure around 2 mm each. Hoary tephrosia is native to the African continent and has large world-wise presence. The plant is deployed as a ground cover plant is agro foresty plantations. Additionally it improves the soil fertility through nitrogen fixation via root nodules. This plant is often confused with T. Purpurea. However, the pods of T. Purpurea are pubescent, while the pods of T villosa is covered with long white hairs.