Tamil Name: Kattuchempakkam.
M. nilagirica is a large evergreen tree which grows to more than 30 meters in height. The pale green colored leaves are simple and alternatively arranged. Leaf blade is obovate to elliptic; leaf base is wedge shaped and has a pointed tip. Leaf margin is entire. Flowers are creamy white in color and are fragrant. These bisexual flowers are seen singly on leaf axis. Flowers have typically petals and sepals and consist of nine lobes Stamens are numerous and are arranged around the gynophore. The gynoecium is apocarpous and the carpels are arranged on a cone like elongated structure. The fruit is an aggregate of capsules. The seeds are crimson in color and much sort after by birds like Eurasian Black Bird and Nilgiri Flycatcher. This is an endemic tree of Western Ghats and is found mostly in shola areas from 1700 msl. This tree can be planted as an ornamental trees hilly areas of Western ghat.