Common Name: African Milk-bush. Tamil Name: Maansevi kalli
African milk bush is a succulent shrub with milky latex and grows to a height of about 2 meters. The leaves are found bunched close to the branches. The young branches are green in color and are glabrous. The leaf stalk and leaf length are around 1.5 cm and 16 cm respectively. The upper surface of the leaf is pale green; the lower surface is whitish-green with red markings. Leaves are simple and arranged alternatively and have an elliptic shape. The leaf margin is entire, leaf base cuneate and obtuse at apex. The inflorescence is in the form of an axillary (Cyathia) cymose panicles. The male and female flowers are separate (monoecious). The fruit is in the form of a three lobed capsule. The entire plant is considered poisonous. The latex on physically contract with skin can result in severe irritation. The plant is very hardy and can withstand severe drought conditions. African milk bush is commonly seen in Tamilnadu and is deployed as a hedge plant in agricultural fields.