Common Name: Goanese Ipecac. Tamil Name: Nilanarakam.
The plant belongs to the monotypic genus Naregamia. This plant is endemic to Peninsular India. The plant grows to a height of about 45 cm. Leaves are tri-foliate and dark green in color. The leaf stalk is winged; leaf shape obovate, leaf base cuneate and apex obtuse. The flower is abnormally very large for the size of the plant. Flowers are in color. Flowers are solitary on leaf axis. The anther filaments are united into a long tune. The stamina tube is inflated at top with 10 yellow teeth at margin. The fruit is in the form of a three valve capsule. This plant was encountered near Malampuhza dam in Palakkad district of Kerala. The plant is much valued for its medicinal properties in Ayurveda. The plant has potential to be positioned as an ornamental plant.