Common name: Umbrella thorn. Tamil Name: Kudaivel

Umbrella thorn is native to India, often seen on dry thorny forest zones of Western ghats. The tree grows to a height of about 6 meters. The branches spread out horizontally and evenly and the tree assumes a round umbrella shaped crown. The bark of the tree is grey colored with vertical striations. The leaves are arranged in an alternate manner. The leaves are bipinnate; 3-5 pairs of pinnae; the leaflets are arranged in an opposite manner. The leaflets are elliptical-oval in shape and measure around 2-3 mm. The leaves have a pair of stipular recurved spines at its base which are dark in color. The tree also has large white colored straight thorns which measure around 5.5 cm each. The inflorescence is axially; the flowers are in capitate heads-a few of them bunched together. The flowers are cream-white in color and fragrant. The fruit is in the form of fleshy pod which contains 5-6 seeds. The tree is coppiced regularly for fuel wood.