Common Name: Birdsville indigo. Tamil Name: Cerubbu-nerunci

Bridsville indigo is a prostrate annual native to Norther Australia. It is a common plant found on road-sides and fallow lands in Tamilnadu. The plant creeps on the ground and forms dense mats. The stem of the plant has a woody base, young branches are slightly hairy and have greenish color with patches of purple. The plant has a compound leaf arrangement. Three to four leafet pairs are seen on each pinna. The leaflets are sessile, obovate in shape and measure around 8 mm in length. The leaflet tip is rounded and emarginate and the base is cuneate. The leaflet on the lower side has white colored long hairs; the upper portion is pubescent. The inflorescence is in the form of a short roundish raceme consisting of about 10-15 red colored pea shaped flowers. The flowers measurers across around 4-5 mm. The fruit is in the form of a oblong beaked pod each containing two seeds.