Tamil name- Onnan kodi. Ipomoea staphylina is an aggressive woody straggler of African origin. The simple leafs are arranged alternatively, the leaf shape is broadly ovate; leaf base cordate; apex acute and margin entire. The plant produces tubular funnel shaped flower which are pink in color. The plant aggressively runs over the surrounding vegetation and completely covers them. It has occupied and vast forest areas in India and suppressed local endemic flora. In urban areas it has run over local vegetation, electric poles, railway signals and fences. It has emerged as one of the most problematic invasive plant species in India. Mass flowering occurs around January. Other than propagation by seeds, the plant roots at nodes; new shoots emerge from these nodes, thus enabling further spread of the plant. In rural areas villagers are well adapted to this common plant, they use it as cattle fodder. The stem fibers are used to make ropes and the tender underground bulbs of the plant are considered edible. The plant is considered as a good composting material source. Ipomoea is the largest genera in family Convolvulaceae and many of their member species are considered invasive (to India).