Common Name: Shrubby Balsam Shrubby balsam is endemic to Souther Western Ghats. The plant belongs to the wet biome and is occasionally found on mountain road sides in hilly areas-generally above 1000 msl. It is a shrub and can grow to around 4-5 feet in height. The stem is rather succulent and glabrous and leaf … Read More “Impatiens fruticosa (Balsaminaceae- Balsam family)” »
Author: Rajesh Ramnarayan
Common Name: Indian Sarasparilla. Tamil Name: Nannari. Indian sarasparilla is native to South Asia and commonly found in most parts of India. The plant is commonly seen in deciduous forests areas of Western Ghats. It is a twinning plant that climes over other nearby vegetations or hedges. It grows to around 2 meters in length. … Read More “Hemidesmus indicus (Apocynaceae-Oleander family)” »
Common Name; Wooly nightshade, Tobacco tree Wooly nightshade is an unarmed shrub native to South America that grows to a height of about 4 meters. The plant is considered highly invasive in many parts of world. It has rapidly spread to most parts of Western Ghats: more common around towns and road-sides in hilly areas. … Read More “Solanum mauritianum (Solanaceae- Potato family)” »
Common Name: Black-eyed Susan vine Black-eyed Susan vine is native to East Africa, it has been naturalized in many parts of the world. One can find this plant in all hill stations towns in Tamilnadu and Kerala. The plant typically grows over nearby vegetations and can grow up to around 4 meters. It occasionally covers … Read More “Tunbergia alata (Acanthaceae-Acanthus family)” »
Common Name: Plumbago, Cape leadwort. Tamil Name: Neela Koduveli Plumbago is an evergreen shrub of South African origin it grows to a height of around 4. It is deployed in India as a garden plant and much appreciated for its blue flowers. Plumbao is also used as a hedge plant and large stretches of such … Read More “Plumbago auriculate (Plumbaginaceae- Plumbago family)” »