This terrestrial orchid is a tiny delicate herb of about 10 cm. and is found in sub-tropical montane forest areas. It prefers wet moss covered areas. The Inflorescence is a terminal raceme. This plant was encountered by me in Bryant Park (2000 msl), Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu. It was found near a moss covered side-wall in the park. This plant is widely distributed around Indian sub-continent with presence in Eastern Himalayas, India, Sri Lanka and Burma. Cheirostylis genus under family orchidaceae family and has about 60 species. They are terrestrial herbs with caterpillar like rhizome and loose rosette (leafs are formed at ground level or very near ground level) of leaves. Like many orchids the flower is twisted so as to attract pollinators, this characteristic is called resupination. The plant is leaf-less in the photograph posted above. The leaves appearing in the photo do not pertain to this plant.