Common Name: Sticky desmodium. Tamil Name: Muvilai-paccilai

Sticky desmodium is a sub-shrub with climbing tendency and grows to around 2 feet in height. The entire plant has a sticky feel and is clothed with white small hairs. The tri-foliate leaves are arranged in an alternate manner and the leaf margin is entire. The centra leaflet is the biggest and measure around 7 cm the lateral leaflets measure around 4.5 cm each. The leaves are ovate-rhomboid is shape with a cuneate base and an acute apex. The side leaflet base is seen unequal. The inflorescence measure more than 27 cm and is in the form of an axillary raceme. The flowers are pink in color and pea shaped and each measure around 5 mm. The fruit is in the form of an oblong pod which measures around 1.8 cm. The pod is sticky and hispid and contains around 6-7 kidney shaped seeds. Sticky desmodium is an important plant in Ayurveda and is used in the manufacture of Dasamoola. The plant is often harvested from the wild. Sticky desmodium is the larval host plant for Common sailor butterfly.