Common Name: Great Morinda, Indian mulberry. Tamil Name: Nuna

Noni is an evergreen small tree of Polynesian origin, planted in India mostly for its medicinal properties. The simple leaves are arranged in an opposite manner the leaf margin is entire. The leaf stalk and leaf measure around 1.7 cm and 30 cm respectively. The leaves are shinning green in color. The leaves are elliptic in shape with a cuneate base and an acute tip. The inflorescence is borne on a conical green head. Several white tubular flower emerge from this conical structure. The flowers are fragrant; the flower tube measure around 1.1 cm and the flower across measure around 1.7 cm respectively. The flower has a bilobed stigma that sticks out of the neck of the flower: five stamens inserted in the flower tube. The fruit is in oval in shape and turn from green to yellow when fully ripe. Popular health drink ‘Noni’ is extracted from this plant. Noni drink is popular in India, attempts are being made to introduce this tree into agro forestry.