Common Name: Squirrel tail. Tamil Name: Velimunkil
Squirrel tail is an erect sub-shrub and grows to a height of about 1.5 meters. It is a native of India, and found commonly in Coimbatore road-sides. The branching nodes are swollen and bend (knee bend type) and have some blackish markings. The stem of the plant is glabrous and striated. The leaf stalk and leaf length measure around 1.8 cm and 7 cm respectively. The leaf shape is ovate-elliptic; leaf base cunetate and apex acuminate. The inflorescence is in the form of a terminal spike. The bracts are conspicuous, leaf like, have green striations and are ovate in shape. The flowers are bi-lipped and measure around 1.5 cm. The corolla is white in color; the throat of the flower has pinkish markings. The fruit is in the form of a capsule with four seeds. The plant is used traditionally as an antidote for snake bite and to treat gastric problems.