Box-leaved barleria is sub-shrub that grows to a height of about 1 foot. The plant is much branched and forms a mass of thorny impenetrable mound on ground. The stem is green in color with a soft hair covering. Leaves are sub-sessile and appear whorled and arranged opposite. Prominent two thorns are seen on the leaf bases which measure around 1.7 cm each. The leaves are obovate in shape both sides of the leaf have small white hair like cover. The leaves are 1.6 cm in long and 8mm wide. The leaf tapers at the apex to form a sharp point. The outer calyx is green in color and oval in shape with dentate edges. The flowers are solitary on leaf axis and are tubular in shape. The petals are colored white with a shade of blue. Flowers are around 2.2 cm long and 2 cm broad. Two anther filaments are seen which are tipped in pink. The fruit is in the form of a capsule with 4 seeds. This plant is commonly seen in forest edges and road-sides in Coimbatore district. The plant is hardy and can withstand in even in very dry climate: mass flowering seen around Feb month. The ornamental value of this plant has not been utilized. It can also be used as a hedge plant associate. Larval host plant of Lemon pansy butterfly.