Common name: Divi divi. Tamil Name: Tivi tivi
Divi divi is a small tree of Caribbean origin, it grows to a height of about 6-7 meters. The tree has crooked trunk and generally forms round canopy. Divi divi is a preferred avenue tree in India much appreciated for its attractive low canopy and frilled looking leaves. The leaves are bipinnate and arranged on an alternate basis; the leaf measures around 12 cm in length. The leaf has around 6 pairs of pinnae (axis ends in a pinnae) and the number of leaflets in each set stands at around 22-25 numbers. The leaflets are arranged in an opposite manner; elliptic in shape with a rounded apex and base. They measure around 9 mm and are near sessile. The inflorescence is in the form of a terminal or an axillary raceme; flowers are very fragrant. The flower measures around 6-7 mm in length and are greenish-yellow in color. The fruit is a twisted pod (“S” bend) which is initially green in color, later turns brown. The pods are used to extract tannins which is used in processing of leather. Divi divi is the larval host plant for Indian nawab and Common grass yellow butterflies.