Common Name: Candle bush. Tamil Name: Seemaiagathi

Candle bush is a shrub native to Mexico, it grows to a height of about 3 meters. It is grown as an ornamental plant in India for its attractive long yellow colored (candle like) inflorescence. It has escaped into the wild and has assumed invasive status in certain pockets like Palakkad in Kerala and Pondicherry in Tamilnadu. The leaves (alternate arrangement) are single pinnate and the entire leaf measurers around 40-50 cm in length. Each leaf consists of about 8-10 pairs of sessile leaflets which are arranged in an opposite manner. The leaflets are oblong in shape with a rounded apex and measure around 12-13 cm each. The inflorescence is in the form of an axillary raceme, bearing several smooth yellow colored compactly arranged flowers. The flower measurers around 2.5 cm across. The fruit is in the form of a dark colored winged 4 sided pod. Candle bush has medicinal properties and is used in the treatment of Ringworm and other skin related diseases. It is the larval host plant for Lemon emigrant and Common grass yellow butterflies.