Common Name: Scarlet milkweed, Blood flower. Tamil Name: Rathempoo
Scarlet milkweed is a perennial of Tropical America. The plant can be encountered in fallow lands, forest edges in Tamilnadu. The plant is more frequently seen near streams and river beds. The plant discharges white latex when wounded. The plant leaves are arranged in a whorled manner. The leaf stalk and leaf length measure around 1.8 cm and 12 cm respectively. The leaf shape is lanceolate, the base and apex of the leaf are acute. The inflorescence is in the form of an umbel which can be terminal or axillary. The flower has six red petals each measuring around 8 mm and are reflexed. The fruit is in the form of a follicle which measure around 5-10 cm. The follicle releases the seeds which have a cottony beard. The wind carries the seeds far and wide. The plant is poisonous and tribal folks around Anaikatti avoid the vicinity of the plant. Blood flower is the larval host plant for Plain tiger, Striped tiger, Common crow, Chestnut tiger and Blue tiger (source https://www.ifoundbutterflies.org/)