Common Name: Lignum Vitae, Tree of life
Medium sized tree with cream color bark grows to a height of about 8-10 meters. The leaves are arranged in opposite manner. The leafing node is enlarged in thickness They have bipinnate, opposite and paripinnate leaflet arrangement.. The leaflets are elliptic in shape somewhat unequal. The flowers have are in blue color with five petals. The fruit is in the form of yellow oval structure with a domed central portion. The yellow fruit opens up, reveling, a single sticky seed with dark red aril. They stay like this on the tree for some time and then fall down. The tree has one of the heaviest and dense woods and is used for furniture making. It has several medicinal properties. The tree has become rare in its native habitats in Caribbean and is considered IUCN red-listed in some countries. This plant has been introduced into India as an avenue tree. It can be seen planted in Forest College premises, Tamilnadu Agricultural University campuses and in Race course residential areas of Coimbatore District.