Tamil Name: Vellai sharuni. This Prostrate fleshy pubescent herb is often found in dry deciduous areas and dry fallow lands. This plant was found in the outskirts of Coimbatore district in dry fallow lands. They belong to the ice plant family (general name). The plant has its origin in Africa and presently has a widespread global distribution. This plants can survive in a large range of soils and are drought tolerant. Leaves are unequal with a sheathing base. The leaf is petiolate and has acute apex (tip pointed) and a cuneate base (wedge shaped). Flowers are seen in axillary clusters. They typically have a membranous bract, flowers appear pink but has no petals. The Flower has 10-15 stamens and two stigmas. The plant is often confused with Trianthema portulacastrum (Aizoaceae family). However, in T portulacastrum the flowers are whitish and it has only one style. Another similar plant namely Zaleya pentandra is also found in India, the flower of this plant has typically 5 stamens.